Our Mission

We collaborate with individuals and churches to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to minister to those in need. 


Dr. Richard Hamlet

Dr. Richard Hamlet

President and CEO, Ministry Outreach Foundation

Dr. Hamlet is Co-founder and Chairman/President of MOF. He is a proclamation evangelist, founder of Ministry in the Marketplace, a business-as-missions ministry, and host of A Voice in the Marketplace.

Ginger Hamlet

Ginger Hamlet

Women’s Outreach Director

Mrs. Hamlet is the Co-founder MOF and Women’s Outreach Director. She ministers with Dr. Hamlet all over the world, teaching women and children.

Listen to the interviews below as Richard shares about his professional career as a Wall Street financier, his calling to ministry, his heart for the nations, the motivation behind his business-as-missions ministry, pastoring, and much more! 

Our History

Over the Years



MOF originally served as the Richard L. Hamlet Evangelism Association, an evangelism and gospel outreach ministry. Dr. Hamlet traveled across the United States, utilizing evangelism and revival platforms in churches, at crusades, and in open air meetings to share the gospel with thousands of people.


International Expansion

God enlarged MOF’s ministry scope to include the adopting, sponsoring, and supporting of gospel outreach initiatives in several countries around the world. Dr. and Mrs. Hamlet would travel to nearly 100 countries sharing the gospel until COVID changed everything in 2020.


Ministry in the Marketplace

Dr. Hamlet began airing a weekly business-as-missions show nationally on Bott Radio Network. The show would be picked up by Salem Media Group and Truth Network in 2021, airing on over 130 stations in the US, reaching 170 million people. The show ended in 2022, but the ministry continues in other ways, encouraging believers to be gospel witnesses every day.


Stephen Olford Center

Dr. Hamlet purchased the famed pastor-training center in Memphis to continue Dr. Stephen Olford’s legacy of teaching expository preaching. The center also served as a Christian retreat and event center for 7 years.


Buenas Nuevas Network

God opened the door for Dr. Hamlet to purchase two Memphis Radio stations to bring the good news to Spanish-speaking residents. Buenas Nuevas Memphis evolved into the Buenas Nuevas Network upon expansion into the Jacksonville, FL, market in 2020 and added stations in 6 other US cities in 2021.


Marketplace Messages

With COVID restricting his usual means of sharing the gospel, Dr. Hamlet and his team developed an extensive Facebook Live bilingual sermon ministry that operated for almost 2 years. At its height these sermons reached nearly 1 million people each week.



MOF sponsors over 40 gospel-centered evangelism, church planting, and discipleship ministries in more than 30 different countries.

In order to facilitate these missional initiatives, MOF is actively engaged in business-as-missions platforms in real estate and multi-media.

Dr. Hamlet began a new radio program on Bott Radio called A Voice in the Marketplace, a weekly show encouraging listeners through scripture exposition.


Guiding Principles


We are committed to doing our part in fulfilling the task of discipling the nations so the Gospel message will be fulfilled.


We are an independent organization working for underprivileged, unreached people groups without regards to race, creed, religious affiliation or gender.


We have developed a thorough process for selection and appraisal of the initiatives to be supported by MOF, as well as highly effective planning, monitoring and evaluation systems that are applied to each of the projects we help to fund or with which we partner.


Our approach is broad and inclusive. We’re committed to providing a number of creative opportunities in which our constituents can participate.


We believe in a philosophy of partnership and unification. We also value diversity in those who want to be a part of our efforts. As a result, we have to balance many expectations, but we foster support for each other and never lose sight of our shared purpose.


We choose not to engage in fundraising techniques or activities that are intimidating, manipulative, harassing or misleading.


We are scrupulous about observing the highest standards of accountability and transparency. We support financial reporting in accordance with the requirements of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.


We are committed to glorifying God in all that we do. Our ultimate goal is to lift Him up as the source of all good that comes from this organization.

Our Beliefs


We believe that the Holy Scriptures, consisting of Old and New Testaments, were originally and inerrantly communicated by God and, therefore, are verbally inspired, and constitute the infallible authority in all matters of faith and practice.


We believe in the essential deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His inerrant teaching, in His substitutionary and expiatory death, by which we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in His bodily resurrection from among the dead, in His ascension to Heaven, in His present priestly session, in His personal return at the end of the age to raise the dead, glorify the church, judge the earth, and to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.


We believe that man was created innocent and in the spiritual image of God, that he was tempted by Satan and fell, and that through his sin, his posterity thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is eternal separation from God.

Holy Spirit

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, and to indwell and enable the Christian to live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present age.


We believe that the salvation of lost and sinful man comes only through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit as man repents toward God and exercises faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.


We believe that the church on earth consists of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ who are committed to the worship and service of God through the proclamation of the Word of God, the observance of the Lord’s ordinances of His Church, and the administration of discipline.


We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust. The just will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord while the unrighteous will be consigned to Hell.

Our staff

Shonna Burfield

Shonna Burfield

Controller & Treasurer

Rob Chaney

Rob Chaney

Assistant to the Pastor

Michael Tankersley

Michael Tankersley

Staff Accountant

Viviana Guerra

Viviana Guerra

Production Coordinator

Hunter Hamlet

Hunter Hamlet

Director of Investment Oversight

Lucian Hamlet

Lucian Hamlet

Director of Asset Management Services

Michel Jassir

Michel Jassir

TV Producer

Natalie Metcalf

Natalie Metcalf

Corporate Secretary