Our Mission
We collaborate with individuals and churches to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to minister to those in need.
Listen to the interviews below as Richard shares about his professional career as a Wall Street financier, his calling to ministry, his heart for the nations, the motivation behind his business-as-missions ministry, pastoring, and much more!
MOF originally served as the Richard L. Hamlet Evangelism Association, an evangelism and gospel outreach ministry. Dr. Hamlet traveled across the United States, utilizing evangelism and revival platforms in churches, at crusades, and in open air meetings to share the gospel with thousands of people.
International Expansion
God enlarged MOF’s ministry scope to include the adopting, sponsoring, and supporting of gospel outreach initiatives in several countries around the world. Dr. and Mrs. Hamlet would travel to nearly 100 countries sharing the gospel until COVID changed everything in 2020.
Ministry in the Marketplace
Dr. Hamlet began airing a weekly business-as-missions show nationally on Bott Radio Network. The show would be picked up by Salem Media Group and Truth Network in 2021, airing on over 130 stations in the US, reaching 170 million people. The show ended in 2022, but the ministry continues in other ways, encouraging believers to be gospel witnesses every day.
Stephen Olford Center
Dr. Hamlet purchased the famed pastor-training center in Memphis to continue Dr. Stephen Olford’s legacy of teaching expository preaching. The center also served as a Christian retreat and event center for 7 years.
Buenas Nuevas Network
God opened the door for Dr. Hamlet to purchase two Memphis Radio stations to bring the good news to Spanish-speaking residents. Buenas Nuevas Memphis evolved into the Buenas Nuevas Network upon expansion into the Jacksonville, FL, market in 2020 and added stations in 6 other US cities in 2021.
Marketplace Messages
With COVID restricting his usual means of sharing the gospel, Dr. Hamlet and his team developed an extensive Facebook Live bilingual sermon ministry that operated for almost 2 years. At its height these sermons reached nearly 1 million people each week.
MOF sponsors over 40 gospel-centered evangelism, church planting, and discipleship ministries in more than 30 different countries.
In order to facilitate these missional initiatives, MOF is actively engaged in business-as-missions platforms in real estate and multi-media.
Dr. Hamlet began a new radio program on Bott Radio called A Voice in the Marketplace, a weekly show encouraging listeners through scripture exposition.
Guiding Principles
We have developed a thorough process for selection and appraisal of the initiatives to be supported by MOF, as well as highly effective planning, monitoring and evaluation systems that are applied to each of the projects we help to fund or with which we partner.
Our approach is broad and inclusive. We’re committed to providing a number of creative opportunities in which our constituents can participate.
Our Beliefs
Holy Spirit
We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust. The just will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord while the unrighteous will be consigned to Hell.